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Abcs Of Duodenal Switch Surgery In Mexico

By Christa Jarvis

Trauma: Many accidents cause injuries: fractures, dislocations, sprains, wounds, burns, drowning. Toxicology: many situations resulting from accidental or intentional poisoning (suicide attempt, murder, drug use): food poisoning by gas emanation, drug by drug, alcohol, poisoning (duodenal switch surgery in Mexico). The establishment of a social emergency is also an attempt to answer.

Canada and the United States, centered on the patient's need definition used instead: for example, an emergency is defined as any perception of an emergency by a person, may risk endangering its survival or survival a member. With thanks to project start HOPE Medicine in Costa Rica is a growing specialty that gradually strong positions in various health centers around the country.

Disaster Medicine is a branch of medicine for accidents or disasters involving mass casualties: train crash, earthquake, bomb ... The disaster is defined as inadequate relief needs and the resources available (outdated means). It requires organization and a "doctrine" different from the usual emergency medicine.

For citizens, an emergency is a sudden and unexpected situation that threatens the life of person. However, some situations are impressive indeed benign, and others go unnoticed as they are alarming; for example, some signs of myocardial infarction or stroke may seem benign. This underlines the importance of counseling and guidance services medicosanitary emergency regulation (such as the ambulance). And early detection of risk situations by private physician or by patient himself or his entourage. This emphasizes the importance of first aid training, where they learn to recognize the warning signs and to address the regulatory services (call, in what situations, and what to say).

Medicine is practiced on ships offshore to provide emergency care and under the control of center of maritime medical consultation (CCMM) to provide medical care to save life on board ships sea in their state of isolation pending evacuation to a medical facility or the intervention. Example of a captain's yacht of 8 to ensure the charge of medical care on the ship.

The hospital emergency seek immobilization and stabilization of patient (using the means at their disposal) to quickly perform a useful transfer to hospital. Emergency rooms follow the basic protocol of Advanced Life Support. Regardless of nature of emergency, are required to maintain vital signs, breathing and pulse.

However, do not overlook the importance of medical advice in certain situations (see above). Moreover, the poor cannefit of universal health coverage (CMU) which allows them to have free care without advance payment, including in private practices. If situations are still variables from one department to another, the current trend is that any call outside working hours and days 15 through the center, including for the doctor on duty, or when the seeks an ambulance. Some standards associations constantly care (SOS Doctors) are entitled to receive calls directly, subject to an interconnection with the center 15 (direct telephone line).

But nothing prevents a patient to bypass the pre-hospital system to go to emergency departments of hospitals or private clinics, which are therefore those presenting spontaneously, as well as those brought by emergency services above. Medicine is the link between the outside of hospital and other hospital departments (surgery, radiology, pulmonology, cardiology, neurology ...), but also the relationship between these services for distress unexpected and sudden.

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