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Get Ripped Muscles

By Scott Marsh

So, you want to get a ripped body? This article can help you achieve that goal. keep in mind that if you aren't already in shape, these suggestions might be too much. I'd advise toning down these a bit. But, in no time, you'll be seeing results.

Now, if you are already in decent shape, your muscles are probably fine. The fact that you're not seeing your muscles is because they have too much fat covering them. You simply need to consider your diet and cardio.

In regards to the actual training plan, you have options. You can either adopt an existing plan or create your own. If you decide to use an existing plan, I suggest either P90X or Body for Life. Both are fine and proven programs that focus on these same goals. But, especially if you are going to create your own, here are the guidelines:

1. Workout every day! This is a must. It helps you raise and increase your metabolism so you can burn more fat. I actually recommend a day off on Sundays. Read the section on recovery below.

2. Perform your resistance training with a lot of intensity and circuits. This really boosts your metabolism to burn fat 24/7! Also, it cause larger muscles that will help with your definition. Here are ideas for good exercises.

3. Water,water, water. If you want to get results, you have to give your cells what they need to flourish, and that's water. I'd suggest a half ounce of water per pound of muscle every day.

4. Protein in your diet. Muscles use protein to build. If you don't eat it, they can't build. it's simple. And. since it can be hard to get enough in your diet, it's recommended to get a whey protein supplement. Think about making a protein shake every day.

5. Clean up your diet! Putting junk in your body does nothing good and keeps you from your goal. Stick to snacking on fruits and vegetables.

6. Recovery. Most people don't understand the importance of allowing your body to recover from training. Without it, your body breaks down and doesn't improve. This means rest and good sleep.

These are basic, sound principles that have worked for bodybuilders for years. They will work for you as well.

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