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No Time to Workout, No Problem!

There is almost always time to do the things we want. And working out (exercising) is not one of those impossible things to do even if you are strapped for time. Now if you were talking about completing a college dissertation, or masters thesis that might be a little different story.

 Even if so, some people believe it is still better to work out because of the natural energy that is derived from exercise.

Zig Zigler, a famous speaker, once stated that he didn't have the time "not to work out" because of the natural endorphins that are activated within the body as a result of physical exercise. To that point, there are seemingly no shortage of books on the beneficial affects of exercising.

 So now that we agree (which i am sure you do) that exercise can help almost any situation that we call "life", what are some ways we can effectively get to the task?

For starters don't think of exercise so much as a task, but think of it more as an opportunity to boost your self-esteem, pay yourself back and get a few compliments along the way.
Secondly, everyone has a kitchen counter. Which by the way is an excellent place to lean against and do push up or should i say push ups and outs.

Try jumping jacks. A set of 25 to 50 jumping jacks is a pretty decent leg toner or a starting point for the more advance athletes.

Shadow boxing is another very good exercise that only takes a few minutes before you reach that ideal heart rate and burn calories. In fact, using 2-3 pound dumbells can really make this a challenging exercise. Try to complete 3-4 sets of shadow boxing in between commercials.
Personally, one of my favorites is wearing ankle weights around. Not only will this tone your legs, but if your a basketball player it will certainly help your vertical jump.

Last but not least, find excuses to ride your bicycle. Even if your raising a family, you can go grab the milk by riding a bicycle instead of using the car. I know what your thinking, "you mean you want me to have one of those baskets on the back of my bike?". Well not necessarily. A book bag will do just fine.

So in conclusion, the thing that's really lacking is not so much work out time but work out creativity. There also are some products out there that can provide the kind of convenience you are seeking, that are low on cost and don't take up a lot of storage space such as resistance bands.
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